Well hi there. I'm Hayley; A 5ft 2" British girl born in England and baptised in Australia. Yes it matters.
I know I have introduced myself before on my blog, but I felt it was time to give you guys a bit more of a personal insight.
Since I was little I have travelled quite a bit; my parents are divorced but both enjoy seeing more of the world. With my dad we used to go camping. a lot. Hense my boyish side (I used to climb trees and build forts)
A few years ago we travelled through France and Spain from England camping our way down in some awesome places. (Take a look at Granada!)
I grew up as quite a tom-boy; I used to make mud pies, I had slow worms (theyr'e neither worms or slow) and drive my brother round in our toy jeep (I was a pretty cool kid).
At the moment I've racked up quite a few adventures, however for me it is definitely about the experiences and people you meet rather than the stamp on your passport (although they are pretty awesome). What have I got in my bank of memoirs you ask? Well; I've co-hosted a radio show live to a whole country one evening, accompanied a young boy to a hospital after he sawed his finger off and a group of us piled into a car and played charades at the hospital (not the boy as he would be at a slight disadvantage), Elise and I hired mopeds in Tonga and were almost ravaged by wild dogs, I have jumped into a fresh water cave that I could not see the bottom of (not only was it really dark but I had also lost my glasses) and I've woken up in the middle of the night with a giant cockroach on my neck. Brilliant experience, I'm TERRAFIED of bugs. I can't even look at cockroaches without almost passing out in terror.
I am starting a new journey hopefully in November this year (2014) and i want to use my blog to keep people updated, as well as offer friendly and hopefully humorous advice (no promises) and just generally show people my photography and what I'm up to!
My blog is my views only and I hope to give realistic perspectives and honest stories.
Some of you may or may not know that last February I decided to retract my university place and grab the chance of travelling with both (tiny) hands. This could be brave/crazy/stupid. But hey, if you don't take chances you'll never know! I'm going to be doing some of my journey alone and some with my (also tiny) travel companion Elise - who joined me on some of my travels last year.
To give you an idea, Elise and I went into STA a few days ago. They have been helping us plan our itinerary (totally recommend by the way, they are so helpful!) and the guy we were talking to said I have one of the craziest itinerarys he has ever seen. (I for some reason was proud of this) oh and he also mentioned that if I return he would offer me a job straight away based on my itinerary. (It was a good day, we also went ice skating)
I'm going to leave you in a bit of suspense and tell you my full itinerary in my next post (evil. I know.)
But until then, I'm off to drink some tea and walk my bulldog. I've planned to read about the royals later, have a beer and get seriously rained on then proceed to moan about the weather. Just kidding.. It's rather sunny today.