Tuesday 21 October 2014

Guess what?

that's exactly 5 weeks from today.
Nervous, excited and broke are a few words that resonate with me at the moment.. 
Nervous about leaving friends, family and my home comforts. Excited about well.. It's the South Pacific  and there are palm trees.. Come on. And very broke due to my ticket,visa and passport expenses... But hey I guess it makes you be a bit more creative right?
Speaking of creative and being broke, I've spent the last few days (and nights) creating a kickstarter page and a video to hopefully try to gain some interest in my trip and try to get people involved and try to make the last £600.
The thing I like best about this website is that I can give back to all you lovely people that help me out! Kickstarter allows me to offer rewards to any people who support me!
The video is literally made from what I could get off of my phone as my laptop has broken (yay). But I actually quite like it and I really hope you do to.

Get involved, take a look at it here... 
